Birth Photography on Martha's Vineyard
I always wanted to be a mom. Even and especially through 4 long years of hope/despair in my attempts to be one. I didn't always know I wanted to be a photographer, though, and combining my photography and the final moments of other people's journey to parenthood is something I've been increasingly compelled to do. Labor and birth are such dream-states, so profound and monumental - these birth photos are testament to the love and the work that can change the world. I am thrilled and honored to have been present when these kiddos made their entrance and to capture these moments when life was forever-after different for everyone involved.
One birth by cesarean. One birth by cervix. Two awe-inspiring experiences of strength and wonder and the primal power where we all once began.
Birth photography is my deepest passion - if you want to document your labor and birth experiences with photographs, reach out below.