Now You're the Big Kid: Newborn Siblings
I know when my own kiddo found out a new baby was on the way, there were the typical excitement/nonchalance/dimissal/excitement phases, followed by - after second kiddo’s actual arrival - even more typical phases of excitement/sorrow/non-plussed avoidance/nostalgia. There was - and still is, 2.5 years in - lots of talk of the Daniel Tiger wisdom about feeling two feelings at the same time and that’s ok.
But I do know that to see the little ones I love most in the world loving each other is the truest bliss and satisfaction in my heart. And so even though I photograph many, many siblings in my family photography, there is something extra special about a sibling and their new baby, so I’ve collected some of my favorites.
The standard newborn-with-sibling shot is like this: lying on the floor - which helps keep the baby safe (a priority) - holding the wrapped-up nugget, with authentic reaction and sweet snuggles.
But I also love to photograph more than just the standard shot. From maternity session to hospital meeting to early days together, from being the newborn your brothers are kissing to being the toddler kissing your new sister - all the early moments of big kid and sibling together (or not together, and photoshopped after the fact) are the sweetest.

If you’re on the way to finding out how 1+1 is so much more than 2 and you want photos to save the moments, I’d love to hear from you.