Newborn Smiles: A Study in Adorableness
Every new parent who has held a newborn baby sleeping in your arms has marveled at the quick smles that pass over their face. Gas or unregulated nervous system or whatever the cause, a newborn smile is a wondrous thing.

My Favorite Things 2022
For the last two years, I’ve run a contest on my Facebook page to share some of my favorite images of the year and to celebrate the love and connection I try to capture in every session

When Should You Get Newborn Photos Done? Top Tips For The Best Session
You’re having a baby on Martha’s Vineyard and you’re thinking about newborn photos to capture these fleeting days? Newborn photography is my specialty and my passion (along with birth) and I welcome the opportunity and honor to meet your baby in their first days and weeks of life.
The conventional wisdom around ideal timing for a newborn session is that having your session within the first two weeks after birth is ideal, but although that is the ideal, it is not the rule at all.

Newborn Photography: Showing off my new studio
I am so in love with my new studio space. It is cozy (just the right size for a newborn) and bright (that window light is divine), and parents can look over my shoulder as I work my sleepy magic on their sweet peas.

#marthasvineyard newborn photographer: Some collected favorites
A few more babies I’ve had the honor and privilege of meeting in their earliest days this year. A few more favorite squishy nuggets wrapped up in textures I’ve made. A few more cozy beans tucked in close to the heart.

In-home newborn sessions
Now that my newborn studio is finished, I only offer in-home lifestyle sessions. For families looking for posed newborn sessions, I invite you to my cozy studio in Edgartown.
Both a lifestyle and a posed session capture your baby at their smallest - the difference between the two is really an aesthetic preference.

Newborn Photography: Which Style is Right for You?
I love love love newborn photography. It is such an honor to meet these tiny people when they are so fresh and squishy and to be invited to crash your new baby party for a few hours. I want to explain a little bit about the two main types of newborn sessions: so-called “lifestyle” and “posed”.