The Home Stretch: Martha’s Vineyard Maternity Sessions
We have an idea in our conversations with expecting parents about being “almost done” or “almost there” as the pregnancy draws to its end - but I think it’s worth reminding ourselves that birth is not the finish line, but the starting line. Birth is an exit, but also an entrance.
My Favorite Things 2023
For the last few years, I’ve run a contest on my Facebook page to share some of my favorite images of the year and to celebrate the love and connection I try to capture in every session. This year, I made a video of some of the highlights!
My Favorite Things 2022
For the last two years, I’ve run a contest on my Facebook page to share some of my favorite images of the year and to celebrate the love and connection I try to capture in every session
Your Children Will Thank You Part 2: How to Print Your Family Photos
Most of my photography clients on Martha’s Vineyard - whether family, newborn, or wedding - want to print their images, but one question that I often get asked is, where should I get them printed? It is still one of my greatest joys to see my photographs up on client walls and so one of the things that I want to help you with is the best way to print for lasting quality and impact.
Maternity, maternal, de maternidad, de maternité, Mutterschafts-, 妊婦の....
If there’s one thing I know, it’s that babies will still be born. And maternity photos are still worth it. Do you remember your body when it hosted another body?
Your Children Will Thank You: Why Prints Matter
When you think about your life, which photographs are the best images that capture your history, that stand in for your memories when memory fades? If you’re not sure, this blog post is for you.
I might be the photographer for you if...
You’ve looked at my work, you’ve read my clients’ testimonials, but you’re still wondering if I’m the right fit for your photography needs?
Here are the top 5 reasons I might be the photographer for you…
Mœmpowered: The Mammal Body Celebration
Inspired by the 4th Trimester Bodies Project, Mœmpowered Sessions was a photo project to celebrate moms and the power of our bodies, to show off the work that we have done and continue to do and the diversity that we live within.
Maternity, redux
I recently had my second child and so I wanted to revisit the photos I’ve taken for other repeat moms.
The gauzy flow is very popular right now and I love to employ it, as well. There’s something about the contrast between solid body and fluid shapes that is evocative of the water that births us all.
Maternity Mama
I love the Iron & Wine lyric: "Mother, remember the blink of an eye/when I breathed through your body" - it's so evocative of the fantastic mammalian moment we call maternity and the importance of photos to store what our memories might not.